Rotator cuff injury

What is a rotator cuff injury?

Rotator cuff injury is an inflammatory process, or partial or total damage to the tendons of the shoulder. The rotator cuff is a group of four tendons that converge and surround the front, back and top of the head of the humerus. These tendons are individually connected to very important muscles that insert into the scapula or shoulder blade. When these muscles contract, they stimulate the tendons of the rotator cuff, causing the movements of elevation, separation and internal and external rotation, hence the name “rotator cuff”.

The main injuries to the rotator cuff are tendinitis and tears:

  • Rotator cuff tendinitis: occurs when the tendons of the joint become inflamed.
  • Rotator cuff tear: when one of the tendons detaches from the bone. The tear may be partial or total, as well as occur suddenly or slowly from tendinitis.

Prognosis of the disease

Rotator cuff injuries are painful and can impede mobility, impacting the patient’s quality of life.

When the injured rotator cuff is not treated properly, it can lead to chronic stiffness and weakness, as well as progressive wear and tear on the shoulder joint.

Rotator cuff injuries, if not treated properly, can become chronic and deteriorate the joint.

Symptoms of rotator cuff injury

The main symptoms for rotator cuff injury are:

  • Pain and tenderness in the shoulder, which may extend down the arm.
  • Intense pain when raising the arm laterally, lifting weights or reaching behind oneself.
  • Pain when sleeping on the affected shoulder.
  • Shoulder mobility problems.
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Medical tests for rotator cuff

The orthopedic specialist will start with a physical examination in which he will press different points of the shoulder and move the patient’s arm, as well as examine the strength of the arms.

If the physical examination is inconclusive, imaging tests such as ultrasound, X-ray or MRI may be used.

Can it be prevented?

Rotator cuff injuries can be prevented by avoiding the activities that cause them, such as certain sports that involve arm movements like tennis players or baseball batters. Also certain jobs that require arm strain for several hours, such as carpentry or painting surfaces. Exercising and strengthening the shoulders and arms is also a good way to prevent injuries.

It is important to increase caution in cases with a family history and with advancing age.

Treatments for rotator cuff injury

In some cases, conservative treatment with rest, physical therapy exercises and icing is sufficient to treat rotator cuff injury.

In cases where conservative treatment is not sufficient, pain injections, physical therapy sessions, or surgery to repair the tendon or even perform a tendon transplant may be prescribed. The intervention can be done by open surgery or laparoscopy.

Which specialist treats it?

The traumatologist and orthopedic surgeon is the ideal specialist to diagnose and treat the ailment, especially in the case of needing surgery. Also the physiotherapist will intervene in the treatment and rehabilitation of the injury.