
What is dizziness?

Dizziness is the sensation that your head is spinning repeatedly when you bend over or sit up and that you might faint. Because it is a loose term, it is often confused with vertigo and motion sickness.

What are the symptoms of dizziness?

In mild cases, the main symptom is nausea, but in more severe cases, symptoms such as ringing and oozing in the ears, vomiting, hearing loss, balance problems, change in heart rate, loss of coordination, pallor, cold sweats or vertigo are present.

What causes dizziness?

Dizziness occurs when the brain is not getting enough blood, if there is a drop in blood pressure or if there is dehydration. The most serious pathologies that may be associated with dizziness are cardiovascular problems, such as arrhythmias, shock (extreme drop in blood pressure), heart attack, stroke or bleeding inside the body.

Can dizziness be prevented?

If you are prone to dizziness, it is recommended:

  • Avoid sudden changes in posture.
  • If you are lying down, get up slowly and wait a few seconds in a sitting position before standing up.
  • Make sure you have something to hold on to when you stand up.

What is the treatment for dizziness?

If a dizziness is caused by a pathology, it should be treated. On the other hand, to avoid the dizziness itself, one often resorts to dimenhydrate, a drug that can be taken as a preventive method or after feeling dizzy, and also caffeine to compensate for the sleepiness caused by the medication.