Epiretinal membrane

What is the epiretinal membrane?

The epiretinal membrane is a translucent cell membrane that appears over the macula (located in the center of the retina, it is the part that allows us to see details and movement).

These cells normally come from the retina but can also come from the lower layers, such as the pigment epithelium. These cells secrete collagen and form a meshwork; when this membrane contracts it causes distortion of the retinal tissue, folds or wrinkles appear on the macular surface that affect its functionality.

Prognosis of the disease

If the epiretinal membrane is not treated, it can lead to a significant loss of central vision; even so, total vision is not lost since it only affects the macula. It is also important to undergo an annual follow-up.

The epiretinal membrane is a translucent cellular membrane that appears over the macula.

Epiretinal membrane symptoms

This pathology can be asymptomatic, although the main symptoms that alert to the appearance of epiretinal membrane are loss of visual acuity, distortion of images (metamorphopsia), micropsia (seeing smaller objects, diplopia (seeing double objects, aniseikonia (seeing objects of different sizes in each eye) and loss of vision.

Medical tests for epiretinal membrane

To confirm metamorphopsia the patient is given the Amsler test, and to diagnose blurred vision the Optotypes projection is used.

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Amsler test

What are the causes of epiretinal membrane?

There are different factors that can cause the appearance of the epiretinal membrane, although the most frequent is posterior vitreous detachment (aging process of the gel inside the eye), which usually appears in people over 50 years of age. Other causes are retinal detachment, vascular diseases, intraocular inflammation and severe eye trauma.

Can it be prevented?

There is no specific way to prevent the appearance of epiretinal membrane. However, it is important to see an ophthalmologist if you suspect any symptoms (such as floaters or lights).

Treatments for the epiretinal membrane

The epiretinal membrane can be controlled with periodic controls, but if symptoms worsen, vitreoretinal surgery (posterior vitrectomy), one of the retinal surgeries with the best results, should be considered. With this technique, the vision lost since the appearance of the membrane can be recovered (although usually half of it is recovered, so we recommend delaying the intervention too much).

Which specialist treats it?

The epiretinal membrane must be treated by a specialist in Ophthalmology.