Spleen Surgery

What is spleen surgery?

Spleen surgery is the surgical procedure used to remove part or all of the spleen. Known as splenectomy, this surgery is useful to treat the different problems that can affect the spleen, such as when it is damaged or diseased.

The spleen is located in the upper abdomen, on the left side below the rib cage. The spleen helps the body filter blood, as well as fight infections and germs.

Why is it performed?

Spleen surgery is performed, because it is useful in treating different conditions that affect the spleen. These conditions include:

  • Spleen cyst
  • Blood clot in the blood vessels of the spleen
  • Hypersplenism
  • Cancer of the lymphatic system
  • Leukemia
  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Tumors affecting the spleen
  • Trauma to the spleen

What does it consist of?

There are two techniques for performing spleen surgery: on the one hand, there is open spleen removal and, on the other hand, laparoscopic spleen removal. In both cases, it is performed under general anesthesia, so that the patient is asleep and pain-free.

In open spleen surgery, the surgeon makes an incision in the middle or left side of the abdomen, below the ribs, locating the spleen and then removing it. Once removed, the incision is closed with sutures and staples.

In laparoscopic spleen surgery, on the other hand, the surgeon makes 4 small cuts in the abdomen in order to insert a laparoscope through one of the cuts. This device, which has a small camera, allows the surgeon to see what is inside the abdomen. Other medical instruments are inserted through the other cuts, which, together with the laparoscope, allow the spleen to be removed. Finally, the small incisions are closed with sutures or staples. This surgery has an advantage over the previous surgery in that recovery is much faster and less painful.

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Preparation for spleen surgery

Prior to surgery, it is important to perform a series of medical tests that may include a complete physical examination along with blood tests.

On the other hand, if the patient is a smoker, it is important to stop smoking, because it increases the risk of problems and recovery is much slower.

It is also important to discuss with the physician if the patient is taking medications or other supplements or if the patient is pregnant.

The day of surgery it is important to stop eating or drinking following the doctor’s instructions, as well as taking the drugs recommended by the doctor.

Care after surgery

After the operation, the patient will have to stay in the hospital for less than a week. In the case of laparoscopic spleen surgery, the hospital stay may be between 1 and 2 days. In any case, full recovery usually takes 4 to 6 weeks.