Ozone Therapy

What is Ozone Therapy?

Ozone therapy is the administration of medical ozone into the body for the treatment of different diseases.

The medical action of ozone derives from its ability to:

  • Modulation of the immune system.
  • Modulation of oxidative stress and inflammation.
  • Improvement of tissue oxygenation.
  • Direct disinfectant and trophic action (useful in wounds).

What diseases does it treat?

This treatment is used for multiple diseases, including osteoarthritis, lumbar disc herniation and cervical disc herniation, chronic pain, delayed healing, fibromyalgia, fatigue and chronic fatigue, recurrent vulvovaginitis and inflammatory diseases in general. In some cases it is applied as a sole therapy, while in others it acts as a support to another treatment.

What subspecialties does it cover?

It is a medical treatment of recovery, which does not include other specialties, but the specialists who can apply this therapy are pain specialists, traumatologists, rheumatologists, angiologists, gynecologists or specialists in General Medicine.

Depending on the disease to be treated, the form of administration will vary:

  • Autohemotherapy is performed by extracting a small amount of blood to introduce oxygen and ozone into it and, after this procedure, reintroduce it into the patient, enriched by this treatment. It improves tissue oxygenation and modulates inflammation.
  • Intra-articular infiltration, indicated in osteoarthritis.
  • Intrarectal infiltration, as a substitute for autohemotherapy and in local disorders of the digestive tract.
  • Intravaginal infiltration, indicated in recurrent vulvovaginitis.
  • Topical treatment, indicated in wounds and ulcers.
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When is it necessary to see a specialist?

You should go to an Ozone Therapy consultation when you have chronic pain, disc herniation or protrusion, joint pain or degenerative pathologies, and when you want to improve the oxygen supply to the tissues and improve the immune system. There are more diseases in which, depending on the characteristics of the patient, your doctor may refer you to this treatment.