
What is Otology?

Otology is the branch of medicine that deals with the study of the ear and its diseases. This discipline is part of Otorhinolaryngology, a specialty dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of ear, nose and throat pathologies.

The distinguishing feature of the otologist specialist is that, unlike the otolaryngologist, he does not treat pathologies of the nose and neck, but specializes in the physiology, functionality and pathologies of the ear. Otology is a branch of Medicine and Surgery and therefore, the otologist specialist is also trained to perform surgical interventions.

Otology specializes in the study and pathologies of the ear.

What diseases does Otology treat?

Otology focuses on treating ear problems and therefore, hearing and balance problems. The ear plays a fundamental role in balance and the sensation of vertigo or dizziness. Thus, some of the most frequent pathologies in the Otology office are the following:

  • Otitis or ear infections: they are very common, especially in infants and children.
  • Tinnitus or tinnitus: annoying perception of sound or constant whistling, which does not even allow to hear clearly.
  • Barotrauma: a barotrauma to the ear is an injury caused by changes in barometric (air) or water pressure.
  • Ménière’s disease: is a common cause of vertigo and dizziness, due to fluid problems in the middle ear. It also often causes tinnitus.

What are the subspecialties within Otology?

Otology focuses on the study of the ear, being a subspecialty within Otolaryngology. However, each professional may specialize in a specific pathology or part of the ear (outer, middle and inner ear), such as damage to the eardrum or middle ear surgery.

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When is it necessary to go to an otologist?

It is necessary to see a specialist otologist when hearing loss, ear pain or discomfort, as well as dizziness or vertigo are felt.