
What is the bitest?

The bitest is mainly a non-invasive pregnancy test that is used to perform an assessment to indicate the possible risk of the fetus having some type of chromosomal abnormality.

More and more parents want to assess the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in their baby without undergoing a test that could be invasive, such as amyocentesis. In this case, the bitest would be a non-invasive test that would be performed between the 10th and 14th week of pregnancy.

This test can identify and analyze chromosomal alterations and/or cardiac malformations, although its results are an estimate in relation to the mother’s age.

The bitest is usually performed in conjunction with a test called nuchal translucency, which mainly measures the thickness of the fetal neck with an ultrasound.

What does the bitest consist of?

The bitest simply consists of dosing two proteins in a sample of the mother’s blood. It is used to estimate the risk of the fetus having or suffering from some type of chromosomal alteration, a cardiac malformation, etc.

With nuchal translucency, the thickness of the nuchal fold of the fetus is measured with an ultrasound scan. It should be noted that all fetuses have fluid in the back of the neck, but babies with Down syndrome or other genetic disorders usually have more fluid than normal, so it looks thicker.

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More and more parents are seeking testing to assess the risk of chromosomal abnormalities.

Why is the bitest performed?

The bitest is a non-invasive test used to assess the possible risks of the fetus having some kind of problem or alteration in its chromosomes in a non-invasive way, that is to say, without putting the health of the fetus at risk.

The bitest arises as an alternative to invasive pregnancy tests, such as villocentesis or amniocentesis.

Preparation for the bitest

Before the test, the doctor will ask the mother to drink two to three glasses of water or other beverage at least one hour before the test and not to urinate before starting the ultrasound.

Because of this, the bladder will be full, and when the bladder is full it provides a better ultrasound image.

What does it feel like during the exam?

When using ultrasound, a gel should be applied to create a barrier between the skin and the ultrasound application. This gel may provide a cold and wet sensation, although without further consequences.

On the other hand, having a full bladder during the test may cause some discomfort, as there is a possibility that the patient may feel discomfort from the pressure it causes.