Vocal cord polyps

What are vocal cord polyps?

Polyps are small, rounded, benign formations that can develop in different areas of the vocal cords, mostly on one side.

They can take different forms, and some of them can be caused by voice misuse.

Polyps can be found on one or both vocal cords; and they may look like a swelling or lump (similar to a nodule), or a blister-like lesion. Most polyps are larger than nodules. The best way to understand the difference between nodules and polyps is to imagine that a nodule is a callus and a polyp is a blister.

Prognosis of the disease

Generally, vocal cord nodules do not usually cause problems as they respond well to treatment, either by voice retraining or surgery.

Symptoms of vocal cord polyps

The symptoms presented by people with vocal cord polyps are those of dysphonia. Some of the most common symptoms of vocal cord polyps can be:

  • Hoarseness.
  • Hoarse voice.
  • raspy” voice
  • breathy voice
  • throat clearing
  • coughing
  • itchy throat
  • changes in the timbre of the voice, the intensity of which will depend on the size of the lesion.

Medical tests for vocal cord polyps

If you have had hoarseness for more than two to three weeks, you should see a physician. A complete evaluation should include:

  • A medical examination, preferably by an otolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat specialist) who specializes in voice problems.
  • A voice evaluation by a speech-language pathologist (also called a speech-language pathologist, speech therapist, speech therapist, or phoniatrician).
  • A neurological evaluation.
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The professional team will evaluate the pitch, loudness, timbre, and ability to maintain voice production, and other voice characteristics. It may be necessary to insert an endoscope through the nose or mouth to look at the vocal cords and the larynx in general. Laryngoscopy with a stroboscopic light (flashing light) may also be used to observe the movement of the vocal cords.

What are the causes of vocal cord polyps?

The formation of vocal cord polyps is usually caused by:

  • Intense vocal strains
  • Severe inflammation
  • Chronic laryngitis
  • Inflammation of the vocal cords.

Apart from other irritating factors such as excessive tobacco consumption.

Can they be prevented?

Risk factors for polyps include smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Therefore, one way to avoid the appearance of this pathology is to avoid these habits.

Treatment for vocal cord polyps

To prevent the symptoms of vocal cord polyps from worsening, it is necessary to start early therapy with a speech therapist to re-educate the voice and to proceed to the removal of the polyps by surgery.

Which specialist treats it?

The phoniatrician or speech therapist are the specialists who treat the pathology of vocal cord polyps. In addition, the Otolaryngologist performs physical examinations for an accurate diagnosis.