
What is a ranula?

A ranula is a type of mucocele found in the mouth. They appear as clear or blue-tinged cysts and occur when a salivary gland becomes blocked. They are found at the base of the mouth under the tongue. They are usually small and do not need treatment, however, if they become large they can create problems with speech, swallowing and chewing and need treatment.

What are the symptoms of a ranula?

Typically these cysts do not cause pain and often go unnoticed until they become larger in size.

Ranulas can form for no apparent reason.

What causes a granula?

Sometimes a ranula can form without any cause, however, they usually form due to an injury to a salivary gland, such as through oral surgery, suddenly biting the lip or receiving a blow to the face. The damage occurs in a blocked salivary gland causing an accumulation of saliva, forming the cyst.

How is a ranula treated?

Smaller ranulas that do not cause discomfort or pain usually do not need treatment and will eventually disappear on their own. For larger granules that interfere with speech, chewing or swallowing may be treated. The cyst may be drained to decrease the size of the swelling; however, swelling may recur if fluid accumulates again. In such cases, the cyst may be surgically removed and the corresponding salivary gland may also be removed. This ensures that the swelling does not recur. An alternative treatment is marsupialization, which invades the side of the cyst being cut and sutured, allowing saliva to drain freely.