Burn Physiotherapy

What is burn physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy in burn patients is a treatment that is part of the patient’s recovery process. This treatment seeks to recover the areas affected by the burns, and should be initiated as soon as the burned person overcomes the electrolyte disorders.

Why is it performed?

Burns are a very frequent and disabling injury, which can take years to recover and limit the movement of the affected person. Thus, physical therapy in burns tries to minimize the sequelae and prevent complications in the patient’s mobility.

The objectives of physical therapy in burn patients are to prevent contracture in the affected area and to preserve joint movement and muscle tone.

What does it consist of?

Physical therapy exercises for burn patients are divided into five types, which can be alternated depending on the condition and characteristics of each patient:

  • Muscle strength exercises
  • Muscle amplitude exercises
  • Functional exercises
  • Cardiovascular exercises
  • Use of splints

This recovery treatment should always be performed with the help and supervision of a physical therapy professional.

Preparation for physical therapy in burn patients

The first fundamental requirement is that the patient is at the right stage of recovery. It is also important to use appropriate elastic bandages and splints according to the area to be treated.

Care after the operation

In cases where the patient suffers a lot of pain, analgesics can be administered.