Rib Fracture

What is rib fracture?

A rib fracture is a break or crack in one of the bones that form the ribs.

What are the symptoms of a rib fracture?

This type of injury can be very painful. The most common symptoms are

  • Pain when pressure is applied to the sternal area.
  • Pain when breathing
  • Headache
  • Muscle discomfort in the area
  • Tiredness and difficulty moving
  • Temporary insomnia

Why do rib fractures occur?

The main cause is trauma or blows to the area, or impacts and falls with the steering wheel. It could also be due to a blow from a very strong sneeze or cough, especially if the person has weak bones due to cancer or osteoporosis.

What is the treatment?

In case the fracture does not affect any organ, no treatment is necessary, such as a cast in the fracture of the arm or leg. In case there is any internal injury, the doctor sends the patient to the hospital to be treated depending on the diagnosis of the injury. In some cases the fracture may require surgery.

So, instead of receiving treatment, recovery advice should be followed, especially rest, ice and cold packs, and no weight bearing. The fracture usually heals within two to six months.

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