Sunken chest

What is sunken chest?

Sunken chest is a deformity of the thorax characterized by a medial or lateralized depression or sinking of the sternum. In women, this pathology may be accompanied by a deformity or asymmetry of the breast.

It is a malformation that affects between 1 and 2% of the population. And although the impact it has is mainly aesthetic and psychological, it can have functional consequences, even causing compression of the lungs and heart if it is not treated correctly.

Prognosis of the disease

The prognosis of this pathology is good, because with proper treatment it is possible to correct it.

The impact it has is mainly aesthetic and psychological, because it can have important repercussions, deriving in a real complex for the person who suffers from it. It can have effects on social relationships and the practice of sports. Even so, if it is not treated, it can have repercussions at the cardiac or respiratory functional level, so it is important to perform a series of cardiopulmonary tests to establish the best treatment in each case.

Symptoms of sunken chest

The main symptoms of sunken chest are the following:

  • Reduced exercise tolerance
  • Rapid heartbeat or heart palpitations
  • Recurrent respiratory infections
  • Heart murmur
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
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Medical tests for sunken chest

To make the diagnosis of sunken chest, patients must undergo a medical evaluation, as well as a series of complementary tests: a CT scan, pulmonary function tests and cardiac tests (echocardiogram and electrocardiogram).

What are the causes of sunken chest?

According to the results of some studies, this deformity is due to an irregular growth of the cartilage that joins the ribs to the sternum, so that the sternum ends up moving inwards.

Can it be prevented?

This is a pathology that cannot be prevented in any way. However, if proper treatment is followed, it can be corrected.

Treatments for sunken chest

When the deformity of the sunken chest generates problems in the lungs or heart, specialists may indicate surgical treatment, with the aim of improving functionality.

Currently, there is a novel treatment to correct this malformation. It is a minimally invasive surgical procedure known as Taulinoplasty. By means of this technique an implant is placed, which is removed after 3-4 years.

Which specialist treats it?

The expert who is responsible for the treatment of the sunken chest is the doctor who specializes in Thoracic Surgery.