Sexual abuse

What is sexual abuse?

Sexual abuse is any sexual activity without consent. It can be between adults, from an adult to a minor (child sexual abuse) or even between minors.

Sexual activity includes any type of penetration of genital organs, as well as forcing the abuser to touch genital organs. Sexual activity also includes any action that incites the minor to listen to or witness inappropriate sexual content.

What are the signs of possible sexual abuse?

The main signs by which you may suspect that someone has been sexually abused are:

  • Unexplained injuries
  • Abrupt behavioral changes
  • Pregnancy
  • Torn or stained clothing
  • Behavioral problems
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Self-injury
  • Depression
  • Spontaneous loss of interest in sexual intercourse
  • Alcohol or drug abuse
  • Sugilation (hematoma produced by strong suction).

What is the treatment of sexual abuse?

The indicated treatment is psychotherapy, which focuses first of all on making the patient break the silence and unearth the emotions, experiences and feelings that have been silenced for so long. From there, he/she must know how to distinguish between the abuser and the victim and convince him/herself that the victim is always the victim, i.e., that he/she is not to blame and therefore must free him/herself from these negative ideas about him/herself. Therapy also tries to make the patient learn to trust others and create a support network.