Tooth included

What is an included tooth?

It is a tooth that fails to erupt through the gum. Teeth begin to erupt during infancy through the gums. It can also occur again when the permanent teeth replace the baby teeth. If the tooth fails to erupt completely or partially erupts, it can be considered an impacted tooth. This disease frequently occurs in the wisdom teeth (third molar group). These are the last teeth to erupt, the rest erupt between the ages of 17 and 21.

In addition, impacted wisdom teeth are very common. In many cases they do not present symptoms of pain or cause any problems. However, some professionals believe that an impacted tooth pushes the nearest tooth, which in turn pushes the next tooth. In some cases it can cause a misalignment of the bite. A tooth that does not erupt completely can trap food, plaque and other debris in the soft tissue around it, which can cause inflammation and sensitivity of the gums, and can also cause an unpleasant odor in the mouth, which is called pericoronitis. The aforementioned retained debris can cause cavities in the wisdom tooth or in the nearest tooth, and can even cause bone loss.

Prognosis of the disease

There is a possibility that the impacted tooth will not cause complications in some people and therefore they will not need any treatment. On other occasions some patients will need to treat the disease when the impacted tooth causes symptoms.

Symptoms of impacted teeth

Symptoms of impacted tooth disease may include

  • Bad breath.
  • Difficulty opening the mouth.
  • Pain or tenderness in the gums or jaw.
  • Headache or jaw pain for a prolonged period of time.
  • Inflammation of the gums in the area of the impacted tooth.
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck.
  • Unpleasant taste when biting near the affected area.
  • Visible space in the area where the tooth did not erupt.

An impacted tooth is impacted in the gum tissue or in the bone for several reasons

Medical tests

The dentist will look for swollen tissue in the area where the tooth has failed to erupt or has partially erupted. The impacted tooth may be pushing on nearby teeth. The gums may also show some signs of infection such as redness, discharge and tenderness. As the gums swell over the impacted wisdom teeth, drain and tighten, it feels as if the tooth is trying to come out and hide again. Dental x-rays confirm the presence of one or more teeth that have failed to erupt.

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What are the causes of an impacted tooth?

An impacted tooth is stuck in the gum tissue or bone for several reasons. It may be that the area is simply crowded and there is not enough space for eruption. One case is that the jaw may be too small to accommodate the teeth in question. They may also become tilted, crooked or displaced as they attempt to erupt.

Can it be prevented?

The main recommendations for preventing impacted teeth are as follows:

  • Schedule and visit the dentist for a check-up twice a year.
  • Talk to your dentist about third molars that are likely to be impacted.
  • Make sure you receive proper dental care for your teeth before the disease becomes more serious.
  • Ensure optimal prenatal nutrition and children’s diets.
  • Preventing an impacted tooth is vitally important as once adulthood is reached this disease can become more complicated.

Treatments for impacted teeth

Sometimes the impacted tooth does not cause problems and therefore does not require treatment. In cases where the impacted tooth is located somewhere in the front, braces may be recommended to help bring the tooth into the correct position. Analgesics may be helpful in relieving the discomfort caused by this condition. Mouth rinses with warm water and salt or those available in drugstores may soothe the gums. Tooth extraction is another existing treatment for a wisdom tooth suffering from impacted tooth disease. This is performed at the dentist’s office by an oral surgeon. In cases where the tooth is infected, antibiotics will be prescribed.

Which specialist treats it?

The specialist who treats the impacted tooth is the oral surgeon. Top Doctors offers the patient the oral surgeon that best suits his or her needs.