
What is rhinitis?

Rhinitis is a disease of the nasal mucosa that causes inflammation of the mucous lining of the nose.

Rhinitis can be of two types:

  1. Acute rhinitis, lasting less than six months.
  2. Chronic rhinitis, which lasts for more than six months.

What symptoms does it present?

The main symptoms are

  • Sneezing
  • Itchy nose (nasal itching).
  • Itchy eyes
  • Itchy throat
  • Lack of smell and obstruction
  • Runny and stuffy nose

Due to nasal congestion, the patient cannot breathe freely or easily.

Symptoms occur mostly in the mornings, causing general discomfort in people. This can be mistaken for a simple cold, but the cold is accompanied by fever and does not last more than one or two weeks.

Causes of rhinitis or why it occurs

The causes of rhinitis can be various. In fact, according to its cause, rhinitis can be classified into three main groups: allergic rhinitis, non-allergic rhinitis and atrophic rhinitis.

  • Allergic rhinitis is caused by some component that causes allergy to the affected person. It is classified as seasonal or perennial.
  • Within non-allergic rhinitis are infectious rhinitis, caused by a virus or bacteria; vasomotor rhinitis, due to the use of nasal vasoconstrictor drugs; medicinal rhinitis, due to the use of certain drugs; hormonal rhinitis, as a consequence of hyperthyroidism or pregnancy, hypertrophic rhinitis; physical rhinitis, caused by cold or humidity in the environment; and mechanical rhinitis, where the cause is due to vegetations, deviated septum, tumors or foreign bodies.
  • Finally, the cause of atrophic rhinitis is the reduction of the inferior turbinates. These turbinates serve to moisten, filter and feel the passage of air through the nose. If they are reduced, they cause inflammation in the mucosa due to the passage of air.
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Can it be prevented?

To prevent rhinitis is to know the allergies one suffers from and thus be able to act. Seasonal rhinitis is the easiest to treat and prevent. The main cause is pollen allergy and to prevent it it is important to avoid leaving the house in the mornings, which is when there is a higher concentration of pollen; keep the windows closed and the cause aspirated; and use a humidifier at home to help purify the air.

What is the treatment?

The most commonly used treatment for allergic rhinitis is the administration of antihistamines.

Dry rhinitis, unlike allergic rhinitis, causes nasal dryness, which can lead to stuffiness, bleeding, crusting and tightness in the nose. It may be caused by the use of certain drugs, abuse of inhalers for nasal decongestion, pollution, temperature changes or dry environments. Treatment consists of using moisturizing products to keep the nasal mucosa moist.