Child Neuropsychology

What is child neuropsychology?

Child neuropsychology is a scientific discipline that studies the development of the nervous system to discover what happens in the child’s brain and then connect brain dysfunctions and emotional and cognitive difficulties that may develop in the developmental age, i.e. up to 18 years old.

Neuropsychology, in particular, is the clinical discipline between psychology and neurology, responsible for the treatment of the effects caused by lesions in the structures of the central nervous system, which have psychological, emotional and behavioral consequences.

What is child neuropsychology for?

The aim of child neuropsychology is to treat all developmental age disorders and disorders of language and learning. These are neurobiological in origin and specifically affect particular skills such as writing, reading and calculation, but leave general functioning intact.

Child neuropsychology attempts to diagnose these disorders through a variety of tests designed to investigate the status of different skills. The rehabilitation pathway varies according to the age of the subject, the specificity and severity of the diagnosed disorders.

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