
What is couperose?

Couperose is a dermatological problem characterized by the appearance on the face of small redness, irritations and dilated capillaries in the form of strands. They appear, above all, on the cheekbones and the nostrils, in reddish or purple tones.

Although facial redness is normal in some cases, especially as a result of the cold in winter or the sun in summer, if it becomes more or less permanent and increases, causing an unsightly effect, it can be referred to as couperose.

Couperose is a condition that is more common in people with fair, thin and sensitive skin, as this type of skin tends to be more reactive and reddens easily. It also affects more women than men and there is also a genetic predisposition.

Prognosis of the disease

It is not a serious skin condition, but it is important to establish a diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible in order to prevent redness from spreading over time.

Symptoms of couperose

The main symptom of couperose is the appearance of small dilated capillaries which, on the face, form a kind of spider’s web with reddish tones, known as telangiectasia.

The reddening of the area is due to an increase in blood flow that occurs when arterioles and venules dilate. These small vessels lose elasticity and become dilated, without returning to normal size.

In addition, the redness and small spider veins that appear on the face can sometimes be accompanied by a sensation of heat and burning in the face.

What are the causes of couperose?

First of all, it should be noted that couperose is caused by a microcirculation condition where the blood vessels are dilated, so any factor that causes dilation can produce couperose in people who are prone to it. Some factors that may play a role are:

  • Intense heat, cold wind, or weather factors that favor vascular changes.
  • Sudden changes in temperature, which cause contraction and dilation of the blood vessels, and the vessels lose elasticity.
  • Blows or small traumas to the skin, which can cause redness to persist.
  • Drinking too much alcohol, which causes circulatory problems.
  • Smoking, which affects microcirculation.
  • Excessive exposure to the sun or use of UVA rays.
  • Application of irritating products on the skin.
  • Stress, nerves or intense emotions, which can also dilate the blood vessels.
  • Hypertension or diabetes.
  • Hot, spicy or spicy foods and beverages, as they increase body heat and vasodilation.
  • Hormonal changes: pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, etc.
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Can it be prevented?

To prevent couperose, the factors that can trigger it, mentioned above, should be avoided. In people with couperose it is essential to avoid unprotected exposure to the sun. Tobacco and alcohol should also be avoided, as well as a diet rich in antioxidants and vitamins.

Treatments for couperose

The dermatologist will establish the best treatment depending on the type and degree of couperose suffered by the patient. The most advisable is to prevent it, avoiding all those factors that may influence its appearance. On the other hand, it is important to follow specific cosmetic care with products that help to reduce the redness of the skin, as well as moisturizing it and eliminating tightness. In this sense, this could be the routine:

  • Facial cleansing: it should be daily, morning and evening. However, as the skin is very sensitive and reddened, it is not convenient to use detergents (soaps), so they should be mild, preferably without rinsing and without irritating components. Micellar waters, for example, are a good option: they remove makeup and cleanse the face. In addition, it is important to avoid exfoliating products, especially if they are chemical and mechanical, as they can irritate the skin and even cause lesions.
  • Moisturizing the skin and treatment: once the skin has been cleansed, it must be moisturized, as couperose skin is thinner and more prone to dryness. In addition to replenishing water and lipids, the skin should be treated with creams that stimulate circulation, prevent dilation of capillaries, relieve the sensation of heat and soothe irritation. Also, some nutritional supplements such as B3, antioxidants and ruscus can help.
  • Makeup: Couperose skin requires specific BB Creams for this type of skin. It not only corrects and conceals redness but will help the patient to look better. In addition, these products act as a barrier against the cold, the sun, pollution…
  • Sun protection: this is an essential step to include in the daily routine. Sun radiation can cause couperose, but it can also dry out the skin and accelerate aging.

Which specialist treats it?

The specialist who treats couperose is the dermatologist, who will analyze the redness and skin problems in order to establish the best treatment, with a specific facial moisturizing routine.