Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome is an endocrine-metabolic syndrome, the definition of which has varied many times over time due to its complexity. It is accepted that a patient has polycystic ovary syndrome when she meets two of the following three criteria: Chronic anovulation (oligoamenorrhea). Hyperandrogenism (clinical and/or biochemical). Ovaries with polycystic morphology on vaginal ultrasound (at … Read more

Female infertility

Article signed by Clinica Tambre Approximately 10% of cases of female sterility have a genetic origin, this includes chromosomal alterations that can cause miscarriages, for example. In addition to the genetic factor, three other causes are also responsible for female sterility. In the first place, the ovarian factor, that is, those cases in which ovulation … Read more

10 questions about testicular cancer

When faced with testicular cancer, it is recommended to consider fertility preservation (sperm freezing), since it is more frequent in men between 20 and 34 years of age. There are different types of testicular cancer caused by different types of cells. Alterations in the germ cells, which produce the spermatozoa, are responsible in 90% of … Read more

Complementary Techniques in In Vitro Fertilization without evidence of effectiveness

“Hatching or Assisted Hatching This practice consists of making a hole in the membrane surrounding the embryo in order to facilitate its implantation in the uterus. The disadvantage is that it is an invasive technique that can damage the embryo. At present, its efficacy has not been proven; further studies are needed to see if … Read more

Progesterone, a key hormone in pregnancy

There are different hormones that make it easier to become pregnant. Among the most important of these is progesterone, a hormone that promotes pregnancy. According to recent studies, blood levels of progesterone after embryo transfer are directly related to success rates in reproductive treatments. Thus those patients with lower progesterone levels show a relatively lower … Read more

Chronic endometritis in implantation failure and repeated miscarriages

Chronic endometritis may be a factor directly related to implantation failure and repeat miscarriages. Chronic endometritis involves symptomless inflammation of the endometrium, and its effect on fertility is controversial. In fact, it is possible that chronic endometritis reduces endometrial receptivity. Some of these studies indicate that chronic endometritis can be diagnosed in up to three … Read more

What is the relationship between coagulation and fertility?

Coagulation problems are in the spotlight in the fertility field, especially when we encounter patients who have problems with implantation failure or repeated miscarriages. In recent years, anticoagulant and antiplatelet treatments have been used almost indiscriminately in the management of this group of patients, but more and more studies are advocating a much more conservative … Read more