The most appropriate treatment for periodontitis

Periodontitis is a disease that is caused by a multitude of factors. However, in most cases, it is usually bacterial in origin. Therefore, the disease is caused by bacteria.

There is an important hereditary component in periodontal diseases. Even so, if the patient has a mouth free of pathogenic bacteria and with a correct control of bacterial plaque, periodontitis will not develop, even if the patient has a hereditary component.

The consequences of periodontal diseases

Periodontal diseases can have some consequences or future complications, such as the loss of the supporting tissues of the tooth, which are bone, gum and periodontal ligament.

Therefore, the tooth loses support in the mouth, so that it can begin to move until total loss.

What is the usual treatment for these diseases?

The basic periodontal treatment consists of periodontal study through a series of tests:

  • A radiographic series
  • Periodontogram
  • A microbiological analysis

Once the patient’s periodontal status is known, the dentist will then carry out scaling and root planing of the tooth surfaces. By performing this treatment, together with correct hygiene measures at home, patients will be able to improve their oral health until the tissues are healthy.

Once the treatment has been performed, it is very important to visit the clinic for a periodic check-up every 4 to 6 months. In these revisions, the dentist performs periodontal maintenance to maintain and help the patient to maintain proper oral hygiene and, consequently, the control of the disease.

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There are some more advanced cases in which the patient may need periodontal surgery before moving on to the maintenance phase.

At the Ruiz de Gopegui Dental Clinic they are specialists in periodontics, in maintaining and caring for teeth and implants, preventing these gum diseases from appearing and causing the loss of teeth and implants.