Goodbye mascara for a season

Showing off long, nourished and dense eyelashes has become a beauty goal for many people. As a result of this desire to show off healthy and beautiful eyelashes, several cosmetic products have appeared to pamper them and specialized treatments, such as eyelash lifting or eyelash perming…but do you know the difference between these two treatments?

Eyelash lifting or eyelash perming?

Eyelash perming is the most traditional form of cosmetic treatment for eyelashes. The process consists of curling the eyelashes into a curler and then curling them by applying a specific product for this facial area. With this treatment, curved eyelashes are achieved, with more volume, but, depending on the length of the patient’s eyelashes, the effect may be that of a shorter eyelash.

Eyelash lifting, on the other hand, is, according to experts, the enhanced version of eyelash perming. This treatment stretches the eyelashes from the root and lifts them, which makes the eyelashes appear longer. In addition, no curler or glue is needed for eyelash lifting, making a treatment less aggressive to the eye.

Another benefit of these treatments is the duration which ranges from 2 to 3 months. In addition, during this time it is not necessary to use mascara. As for the price, both treatments are much cheaper than eyelash extensions.

What care should I take?

Keep in mind that it is not recommended to wet the eyelashes in the following 48 hours after the treatment, nor to touch the eyes excessively and much less rub them. When removing make-up from the area, you can use the same products you use in your beauty routine. In the following days, mascara can be used, although it is not necessary, as the effect of the treatments is more than sufficient.