What interventions exist in hand surgery

  • 1- Those aiming at the recovery of a functional skeleton with stable and mobile osteoarticular structures.

On acute injuries

– Reduction and synthesis of fractures: fractures of the bones of the hand must be treated urgently. In some cases, immobilization in a cast bandage or digital splint is sufficient. In other cases, Traumatology professionals recommend as necessary the reduction and osteosynthesis of the fracture.

– Tendon repair: these injuries must also be repaired urgently. If the damage is located in flexor tendons, something very common in soccer goalkeepers, for example, tendon repair is performed with microsurgical suture. On the other hand, if the injuries are located in the extensor tendons, it is sutured with circular stitch of extensor tendons.

On chronic injuries

– Optimization of degenerative joints: there are different techniques described below:

  1. Autologous ligamentoplasties: these techniques are used for pathology in incipient evolutionary stages such as SLAC (Schapo Lunate Advanced Collapse) lesions in the wrist.
  2. Substitute biomaterials: other techniques require these materials for the treatment of SNAC (Scaphoid Nonunion Advance Collapse) lesions of the wrist and mid-stage scapholunate joint.
  3. Alignment or shortening osteotomy techniques.
  4. Synovectomy, arthrodesis and prosthesis techniques for the treatment of rheumatoid osteoarthritis.
  5. Intracarpal partial fusions systems.
  6. Techniques for trapeziometacarpal pathology such as arthroplasties and arthrodesis

– Recovery of lost mobility: for this purpose, a two-stage tendon repair is performed with interposed silicone tubes and adhesion prevention systems, which have anti-adherent membrane systems.

  • 2- Those that aim to restore the sensory information, and the function of relationship and communication in nervous and vascular lesions.
  • 3- Those performed as palliative treatment for motor defect with stabilizing procedures and muscle and tendon transfers.
  • 4- Those that aim to solve the loss of sensitivity by performing free neurovascularized skin grafts.