Donagrup celebrates its first anniversary

Donagrup, Top Doctors’ center of excellence, is celebrating its anniversary. This team of gynecologists in Barcelona was born one year ago thanks to the merger of the TST group and the IGMitre group. The TST group is formed by doctors José María Tusquets, Federico Sanfeliu and Montserrat Twose, and the IGMitre group by doctors Guillermo Bassols and Lluis Marcet. In addition, doctors Ricardo Rubio, Carolina Rueda, Pau Nicolau, Núria-Laia Rodríguez and Mireia Rojas have recently joined the group.

Donagrup covers specialties such as obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive medicine. The activity is carried out in offices 141 and 173 of Consultorios Vilana at Hospital Quirón Teknon. On the other hand, surgical interventions and deliveries take place at Hospital Quirón Teknon and Hospital de Barcelona.

Throughout this year of life, a total of 8,661 patients have passed through their center, making a total of 18,359 visits. Bearing in mind that a year is made up of 365 days, of which a considerable part are holidays, this is a very high figure for a medical group that has just come into existence.

The Donagrup team has attended 488 deliveries and caesarean sections this year and has participated in a total of 419 surgical interventions. On the other hand, they have performed 71 laparoscopies, 100 hysteroscopies and 677 morphological and 3D ultrasounds. It is important to highlight that this team of professionals has surgically treated 50 cases of cancer during this year.

From Top Doctors Congratulations!