What you need to know about hair phases and laser hair removal

When does our hair grow the most? Does it all grow at the same time? When does it fall out? Hair goes through different phases and it is essential to know them to make a correct laser hair removal. The center of Aesthetic Medicine Lago, members of Top Doctors and experts in laser hair removal, warns below some tips before laser hair removal, and explain what phases has our hair.

The adult human being has approximately 5 million hair follicles, of which only 100,000 are found on the scalp, an area which -although you might think otherwise- is not the one with the greatest amount of hair, as other areas such as the cheeks or lip even double its follicular density. During their life cycle, hairs go through three phases, the duration of which depends on several factors such as sex, age, time of year or body location:

Anagen phase:

This is the active, growth phase and can last several years, when the hair is thicker, more pigmented and is attached to the dermal papilla. It is important to remember that the dermal papilla is a region rich in blood vessels where the hair is formed and is responsible for its growth and nourishment. 85% of our hair is in this phase.

Catagen phase:

This is the regressive phase and lasts about two weeks, during which time the hair stops growing. The skin surrounding the follicle begins to absorb the bulb and the blood supply decreases until it disappears, approximately 3 to 4% of our body hair can be found in this phase.

Telogen phase:

Resting phase that lasts 5 to 6 weeks, at the end of which the hair is detached from the follicle and falls out, it is then when a new hair starts to form. About 10 to 13% of the hair on our body is in this phase.

Laser hair removal

In a medical laser hair removal session only the hair that is in the anagen phase is removed, so from Medicina Estética Lago we are warned that it is essential to carry out the sessions respecting the hair growth cycle.

These experts point out that there are several types of laser indicated for hair removal, but the systems that have proven to be most effective are the Diode or Alexandrite. Laser hair removal performed by health professionals in a medical center, such as Medicina Estética Lago, is a safe and effective treatment, although to optimize the results it is advisable to observe the following precautions before and after treatment:

  • Do not expose yourself to the sun or UV rays during the previous 30 days.
  • Shave the area to be waxed approximately 2 or 3 days before.
  • Go to the appointment with the areas to be waxed clean and do not apply deodorant or products containing alcohol during the 24 hours before and after the laser treatment.
  • Do not wear tight clothing (jeans, etc.) or new pants (that have not been washed) the day before and after the laser treatment.
  • Respect the interval between sessions marked by the medical team performing the laser hair removal.
  • Do not depilate during the month before the treatment or between sessions with wax, tweezers, or any other method that pulls out the hair.
  • For women it is advisable to shave only the lower legs and not to touch the thigh to avoid turning fine hair into hair. On the lip, sideburns and between the eyebrows, use scissors and do not shave.
  • After the session, protect the area with the specific sunscreen recommended by the medical team and avoid sun exposure for at least 15 days.
  • Do not use makeup the day of treatment and the day after, or products containing glycolic or retinoic acid during the 3 days prior to treatment.
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From Medicina Estética Lago (www.medicinaesteticalago.com) also remember the importance of going to an experienced center, which offers all the guarantees and has different equipment to use the most appropriate for each type and condition of hair, thus optimizing the results of laser hair removal.