Zerona, a treatment to eliminate fat

Zerona is the latest technology used in her practice by Dr. Helena Biosca, a member of Top Doctors. It is a non-invasive treatment, approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), for whole body reshaping. It is a cutting-edge technology tested in multiple clinical trials, using the technique of low intensity cold laser to eliminate localized fat of medium volume, completely odorless, without side effects or complementary treatments. It can be applied in the abdomen as well as in the back and legs, in those areas where, regardless of diet or exercise, it is difficult to lose fat.

What it consists of

The treatment consists of the application of five Diode laser terminals in the area to be treated for 40 minutes, with the patient in a horizontal position on the couch. The non-surgical Zerona procedure lasts 40 minutes, and the number of sessions ranges from 6 to 15, depending on several factors such as age, overweight, smoking, etc. Two to three treatments per week are recommended, and clinical results are achieved in two to four weeks.


Zerona does not prevent patients from continuing with their usual activity during the time they are undergoing treatment. No special care is required, just follow the guidelines indicated by the Plastic Surgeon. It is a treatment adapted to the current requests of society: safety, efficacy and odorless. The results are also maintained over time.