Sunburn: 2-fold increase in cancer risk

Can the prevalence of skin cancer in Spain be considered high? According to data from the Spanish Association Against Cancer, the prevalence has risen sharply since 1990: 3600 cases of skin cancer are diagnosed in Spain every year. Although not everything is negative, since the survival rate is around 75% for men and 84% for women, very similar to the European rate. In underdeveloped countries 40% survive.

Excessive sunbathing

Dr. Manuel Moragón Gordon, a leading expert in skin cancer and the current Head of the Dermatology Service of the Hospital de San Juan de Alicante, analyzes the changes in lifestyle habits of the population, among which sun exposure stands out, and makes it clear that “cases of skin cancer have been increasing progressively since the 60s of the last century and the forecasts are that this trend will continue to increase in the coming years, partly due to excessive exposure to the sun”.

While it is true that cases occur at any age, although most occur between the ages of 40 and 70.

The importance of early diagnosis

Dr. Agustín Viera Ramírez, a specialist in dermatology, points out that advances in the early diagnosis of skin cancer have been important in recent decades. Two important tools have been developed in the early diagnosis and resolutive treatment of skin cancer:

  1. Awareness, information, self-examination and early consultation campaigns: This has helped to involve the population in its detection.
  2. Development of imaging techniques in dermatology: Imaging is fundamental in the early diagnosis of skin cancer.