Dr. Eduardo Vázquez Delgado receives the medal of honor from SEDCYDO

Dr. Eduardo Vázquez Delgado, co-Director of the Craniomandibular Institute of Barcelona and member of Top Doctors, has been awarded the medal of honor of the Spanish Society of Craniomandibular Dysfunction and Orofacial Pain (SEDCYDO).

The ceremony took place during the gala dinner of the XXVII Annual Meeting of this society, held in Segovia on June 16, 17 and 18.

The organizer of the scientific meeting, Dr. Carmen Benito, awarded him the medal in recognition of his work as President of the SEDCYDO. Thanks to the constant support and collaboration of Dr. Vázquez, it has been possible to carry out numerous projects that the society has undertaken during the last three years. Dr. Vázquez expressed his gratitude to the other members of the Board of Directors.

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