Donate Blood, Save Lives June 14 World Blood Donor Day

World Blood Donor Day is celebrated on June 14 to thank all blood donors and to raise awareness of the need to continue donating blood to ensure the quality, safety and availability of blood and blood products. Millions of lives can be saved each year through voluntary blood transfusions and blood products.

Patients suffering from life-threatening diseases can have their lives extended and their quality of life improved, while difficult operations can be performed. Likewise, donor transfusions are very useful in maternal and child care, pregnancy and emergency responses to humanitarian disasters. The only way to ensure sufficient blood supply is through regular voluntary, non-profit donations. However, there are many countries in which blood services still have problems today in providing blood and ensuring its quality and safety.

The final push for donation

In many cases, people admit that they have not donated blood because no one has asked them to or because they lack information. It should be stressed that blood donors are essential because blood cannot be manufactured and the only way to obtain it is through the voluntary donation of the most supportive people. On the other hand, blood has an expiration date, hence the importance of making blood donation a daily act, as large reserves on a one-off basis do not guarantee regular coverage.

The blood route

Donor blood is used to treat different types of cancer, anemia-causing diseases, surgical operations such as organ transplants, accidents, bleeding and burns. In figures, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is present in more than 160 countries and carries out up to 30% of the donations made in a calendar year around the world. In turn, the Red Cross is one of the four entities that organize World Blood Donor Day, together with the WHO (World Health Organization), the International Federation of Blood Donor Organizations and the International Society of Blood Transfusion. All people who want to participate in blood donation can find out about the mobile donation points through the following website, by phone free of charge on 900 506 819, on Facebook and Twitter @DonasangreCruzR or you can also donate blood at any public hospital.

Read Now 👉  June 14: World Blood Donor Day

Today is “World Blood Donor Day” to thank voluntary unpaid donors and raise awareness of the need for regular donations to ensure the quality, safety and availability of blood. #UniversalHealth #WBDD2018