MiraDry, the treatment to combat excessive sweating

Dr. Ruiz Rodriguez, member of Top Doctors and Head of the International Dermatology Clinic in Madrid, has incorporated with his team of dermatologists a new treatment to combat excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), MiraDry.

Hyperhidrosis causes social problems both in the personal and work environment, and can lead to serious psychological alterations. Contrary to what one might think, it occurs quite frequently, as it is estimated that approximately 1% to 3% of the population suffers from it.

Clínica Dermatológica Internacional is the first clinic in Spain to acquire the MiraDry system, which definitively solves excessive underarm sweating. It is a very safe and fast system, which is clinically proven by the American FDA.

How does the treatment work?

MiraDry applies microwaves in order to eliminate the sweat glands that cause underarm sweating. These glands do not reappear once removed and there is no compensatory sweating effect afterwards. Clinical studies have shown that the procedure reduces more than 80% of underarm sweating.

With great success in the United States, this technique arrives in our country after 4 years and, specifically, at Clínica Dermatológica Internacional, with success in thousands of patients with a degree of patient satisfaction, both in the short and long term. Also, in 2014 it won the award for the best cosmetic technique the “Aesthetics Award” and has been valued as the dermatological technique with the highest level of satisfaction.

After the application of MiraDry

One of its main advantages is its immediate incorporation of the patient to their work and social life and, in a few days, you can return to sports. Occasionally, the skin may appear slightly reddened, slightly swollen and slightly sore, but these effects disappear with time. Other effects that may occur include reduced hair growth.

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How does MiraDry differ from other procedures?

The problem of underarm sweating can be solved with highly effective deodorants and botox treatment. However, these options are temporary. Another alternative is surgery, but in addition to the risks involved, it is possible that the patient may experience compensatory sweating in another area of the body. MiraDry is therefore the only truly effective method that eliminates hyperhidrosis, offering non-invasive and definitive results.