Robotic surgery for the treatment of prostate cancer

When is prostate cancer considered suitable for robotic surgery?

All patients suffering from prostate cancer with surgical indication benefit from robotic assistance with the da Vinci robot.

Benefits of robotic surgery

The da Vinci robot-assisted radical prostatectomy is the most advanced surgery for the treatment of prostate cancer.

Thanks to improvements in vision and maneuverability, the surgeon is able to remove the prostate and seminal vesicles with extreme precision, preserving the structures responsible for erection and urinary continence, which translates into better results in terms of sexual function and greater and faster recovery of urinary continence.

Other advantages are less postoperative pain, less need for blood transfusion and less time spent in the clinic, among others.

What are the results of this type of surgery?

The oncological results are excellent and comparable with the open technique, while the functional results, especially in the area of sexual function and urinary continence, are frankly superior in most cases.

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