Treatment of Restless Legs Syndrome

What is restless legs syndrome and what symptoms does it cause?

One out of every four patients who come to a sleep unit for chronic insomnia problems, what lies behind the chronic insomnia is a neurological disease called restless legs syndrome. This disease, which is usually transmitted genetically between members of the same family, manifests itself in the form of a compelling need for movement, especially of the lower legs, at night and in situations of immobility. The end result of having this disease, of having these symptoms, is that the affected person has to keep moving at night, rubbing his legs, massaging them, and as a result he cannot sleep, he cannot maintain sleep. It is a disease that occurs very frequently, between 2% and 3% of the population in western countries has it. But it is a disease that generally presents in a chronic way.

Is there a cure for restless legs syndrome?

As a consequence, the person suffering from this disease usually needs a chronic, indefinite treatment. The question we ask ourselves is to what extent this disease is curable, in the strict sense of the word, that is to say, a medical intervention that eliminates for the rest of the life of the affected person, that eliminates these symptoms and as a consequence nothing more needs to be done. The problem of this disease is that the cerebral storage, the cerebral deposits of iron are diminished, for reasons long to explain. So if we were able to provide enough iron at a given time to these people and normalize those brain iron stores, what we are going to achieve is that the symptoms will disappear.

How does intravenous iron administration work?

Recent studies in the USA have shown that intravenous iron administration allows 30% of patients to have their symptoms disappear completely for periods of up to 3 years. In an additional 20% of patients the symptoms do not disappear, but are substantially weakened, so that the drug dose required is much lower. Thus, in up to 50% of cases, substantial improvement of the disease is achieved. At the Sleep Research Institute in Madrid we are doing a worldwide study in which we are testing this hypothesis and we are going to see to what extent patients with severe RLS respond and are cured under this treatment.

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Patient’s testimony

When I was 18 or 20 years old I started with the first symptoms of Restless Legs Syndrome, but it was not until my first daughter was born, ten years ago, that my symptoms became chronic. I went to Dr. Garcia Borreguero’s office and I was immediately diagnosed with restless legs syndrome, I was put on a treatment, the symptoms were relieved a little but every night they appeared when I sat on the couch. When the doctor suggested that I undergo intravenous iron treatment, I didn’t hesitate at all. The possibility had to be explored. It was two infusions of iron and then the medication was gradually withdrawn. At first it was hard, all the discomfort in my legs became acute and at the beginning when I sat on the couch I was permanently aware of them. But little by little they began to subside and today is the day when I think neither of my legs nor of RLS when I sit on the couch, go to the movies, during a long after-dinner conversation, or on a long trip in the car or on a plane. Thanks to the Sleep Research Institute, I am cured and thrilled with life.