Why I have vertigo

People who suffer from vertigo feel that they are in motion and spinning, so it is associated with a feeling of dizziness. Dr. Porta discusses the causes and symptoms of this anomaly.

Causes of vertigo

Vertigo can be due to multiple causes, from mild, such as some affecting the inner ear, to serious neurological conditions such as stroke. The fundamental thing is to reach a proper diagnosis of dizziness or vertigo to be able to put the specific treatment and improve, and even cure our patient. Some are solved with pharmacological treatments, while others can be suppressed with maneuvers that we do directly in our office.

When vertigo appears

Vertigo can occur on many occasions, some coincide or are related to headache, others occur when turning the head or straining and may be in the context of a brain injury. The occasions in which vertigo appears are very variable, hence it is essential to know the cause. Often the cause of vertigo is found by examination, in other cases we must perform complementary tests.

Symptoms presented by vertigo

The symptoms are very varied, being able to go from the sensation that we are pushed to notice that the things turn around, or that we fall down. Nausea and vomiting are also frequent. If the vertigo is due to a stroke, the symptoms that can be appreciated are double vision, difficulty in swallowing and tingling in the body. The symptoms are variable, something that can facilitate the knowledge of the cause.

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When should I see a specialist?

If the symptoms are associated with a neurological cause or are very disabling, it is certainly necessary to go immediately to the emergency room. In other cases, when it is recurrent and serious pathologies have been adequately ruled out, a neuro-otologist should be consulted to reach a diagnosis and provide appropriate treatment.