Calcaneal spur: severe foot pain

The calcaneal spur, according to the specialists in Traumatology, is a deformity of the calcaneal bone that is formed as a consequence of continuous and prolonged traction forces from the soft parts that are inserted in the sole of the foot. There are different locations of calcaneal spurs, which are preferentially located in the areas of traction, such as the posterior or achilles region and the plantar region.

Causes of calcaneal spurs

This deformity is due to an alteration in the load or impact absorption mechanisms, caused by an abnormal anatomy of the foot or by anomalies that prevent correct dynamics at the moment of impact, such as flat or cavus feet. Other factors such as very rigid footwear, with little cushioning or flat configuration predispose to imbalances that lead to this deformity. In addition to excessive efforts, overweight and inadequate stretching techniques, mainly of the Achilles tendon and plantar fascia, which are factors that contribute to the appearance of calcaneal spurs.

The calcaneal spur can be observed through the Rx, sometimes we observe it in patients who are asymptomatic, which makes us think that the cause of pain is not the calcaneal spur but the inflammation of the surrounding soft tissues, plantar fasciitis.

Treatment for heel spurs

The most effective treatments are those that follow conservative measures that tend to improve foot support, modify habits, encourage stretching and rehabilitation techniques, which can also be associated with oral or infiltrated anti-inflammatory therapeutic measures in the painful region.

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Another possible treatment is shock wave therapy, mostly used when the above measures are not effective. Finally, surgery is only used in cases where pain is unbearable and conservative measures are not effective. The types of surgery are usually minimally invasive, thus performing a medial plantar fasciectomy and percutaneous resection of the heel spur.