When should gallbladder surgery be performed

What symptoms can alert us that we have gallbladder problems?

The symptoms of gallbladder problems are mainly manifested by symptoms of poor digestion. Heavy digestion with subcostal discomfort on the right side. It may appear during or after meals or also when we have been fasting for many hours, since both situations stimulate the secretion of the gallbladder.

Other pathologies that can generate problems at the gallbladder level are gallbladder polyps, due to their malignant potential they need periodic controls or surgery.

Are there people more prone to suffer these problems?

The anatomy of each person, the type of diet and certain diseases can favor the generation of denser bile and, therefore, the production of stones in the gallbladder.

When will gallbladder surgery be recommended and why?

Gallbladder surgery is indicated when there are stones in the gallbladder that generate clinical symptoms of abdominal pain. Also when there are gallbladder polyps in growth or of size equal to or larger than 10mm due to their malignant potential. Gallbladder cancer in its initial stages is also an indication for surgery in itself.

What exactly will the operation consist of and what problems will it solve?

Gallbladder surgery is performed with the use of minimally invasive techniques and mini incisions. It consists of the complete removal of the gallbladder.

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There is no dietary restriction after this surgery, since the liver takes the place of the gallbladder, which is not an essential organ. The symptoms of abdominal pain and poor digestion will disappear after this surgery as long as the biliary pathology is responsible.

What innovative techniques are currently available?

Gallbladder surgery is performed through mini incisions so that the aesthetic result is excellent. Nowadays we have small-sized cameras that allow incisions of less than 1 cm to be made with better aesthetic results.