Do you have constipation? Here’s what to avoid eating

Everyone knows the saying that “we are what we eat”. And, in this sense, the food we eat helps us to prevent and/or treat certain pathologies.

This is the case of anal fissures. To avoid them, we have to act against constipation. This requires an appropriate diet in each case, accompanied by local care and specific medical treatment performed by the specialist in Proctology.


Constipation is more common in women and in developed countries. To avoid it, it is also necessary to avoid chocolate, beer, high alcohol, pennyroyal, industrial pastries, wholemeal products, tea, salads or raw vegetables (they should be eaten cooked).

In addition, it is advisable to drink plenty of water, both during meals and during the rest of the day. Fat-free broths, herbal teas without theine and natural juices also help. Rice is nutritious and necessary, but it should not be brown rice.

Another positive food that we do not usually eat much is fruit. The optimum is three pieces a day, ripe and not acidic. Better unpeeled, because the skin is natural fiber.

It is necessary to know that the rigid fiber clogs. That is why many people get constipation and gas colic.

Finally, and in order that the intestine works regularly, it is not necessary to forget to take not saturated fats.

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