Alterations in the veins: varicose veins and their aesthetic problem

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are a functional or anatomical alteration of the venous system that manifests with pain, heaviness, itching or pruritus and venous dilatations that generate aesthetic problems.

Why do varicose veins appear?

They are caused by an increase in pressure inside the walls of the veins, caused by an obstruction or reflux of blood towards the heart. It may be a congenital problem, when there are alterations of the valves that allow blood flow to the heart or acquired, when suffering deep vein thrombosis (for many reasons) or trauma.

When is it advisable to treat varicose veins?

When they are symptomatic or when they produce aesthetic alterations.

Symptomatic patients with varicose dilatations, edema, trophic disorders such as pigmentation or skin atrophy, or ulcers should undergo a venous Doppler ultrasound to rule out alterations in the deep and superficial venous system and thus determine the appropriate treatment for each patient.

How are varicose veins treated?

Depending on what type of varicose veins we treat, we will opt for:

  • Sclerosis: Injection of a chemical substance (polidocanol) inside the vein, preventing blood from passing. This is the prescribed treatment for varicose veins and spider veins.
  • Endovascular treatment: When the damage is in the deep venous system. The classic techniques to treat this condition were saphenectomy, a surgery by which the saphenous vein was partially or totally removed, phlebectomy and saphenous vein ligation. Currently there are other much less invasive procedures such as radiofrequency, which consists of introducing a catheter inside the vein that generates thermal energy that occludes the light of the pathological vein, improving the patient’s clinical and esthetic alterations. The most innovative is Venaseal, a kind of medical glue that works like radiofrequency but without the need for heat and with an immediate recovery that does not even require wearing compression stockings.
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To solve problems in the deep venous system, Venaseal is the treatment that produces the least complications. For more information, consult a specialist in Phleblology.