How do I know if I have pectus excavatum?

Experts in Thoracic Surgery define pectus excavatum as a deformity of the chest wall. This pathology consists of an apparent sinking of the sternum in relation to the surrounding costal structures.
Pectus excavatum arises from the defective development of the cartilages that join the ribs to the sternum, giving rise to this positioning.

How to correct pectus excavatum in infants and children

The objective is to move the sternum to a more anterior position, in the same plane as the cartilages and ribs. To achieve this, the classic pectus excavatum operation consists of removing the cartilages, releasing the sternum forward and placing some type of osteosynthesis or mesh to keep it in the correct position.
Subsequently, the Nuss technique was developed, with the endoscopically controlled placement of a rod that, when rotated, brings the sternum forward. It is less invasive than the classic operation, but only suitable for young people when there is no cartilage calcification and therefore flexibility.

The future of surgical treatment is about to arrive with the pectus up system, which allows an even less invasive correction and will probably replace the Nuss technique.

The association with asthma and cardiac valvular heart disease is only coincidental. What does motivate surgical correction is the psychic repercussions it has on those who suffer from it.

How can pectus excavatum be concealed without surgery?

The cure of pectus excavatum without surgery is possible by means of vacuum bell therapies: they are very uncomfortable, require a lot of constancy and years of application to consolidate a correction. However, in very consistent and strong-willed people it can work.

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Health complications of pectus excavatum

The main consequence is psychological, with the development of complexes that prevent normal social behavior. Also, if chronic pneumopathies are associated with age, its course worsens and there may be more complications in people who have pectus excavatum.