Polysomnography, a test to assess sleep

Polysomnography (PSG) is a sleep study that consists of a test that records sleep throughout the night. In this way, sleep can be assessed, with oxygen level, limb movements, electrocardiogram (ECG) and eye movements. It is a test that is used when sleep problems are to be ruled out or when the objective is to diagnose them.

With the realization of polysomnography we can study various types of pathologies, such as apneas, periodic limb movements, insomnia, epilepsy and other sleep-related pathologies: hypersomnia, parasomnia,…

Polysomnography results

PSG results are not always a numerical value, in the case of apneas it is the AHI (apnea/hour index). Those above 5 may mean that the patient suffers from sleep apnea, being mild between 5 and 15, moderate between 15 and 30, and severe if the result is above 30.

Indications before polysomnography

A normal life pattern should be followed, without alcohol intake or other substances that may affect the nervous system (stimulants or nerve depressants). In addition, you should not eat a copious dinner, do not take a nap that day and if you are taking medication to sleep, do not take it until you have consulted with the technician who will perform the test. It is also important not to use hairspray, hair gel or other hair products on that day.