Benefits of group therapy

Group therapy is a psychotherapy technique used by many professionals specialized in Psychology. It is characterized by conducting a session with several patients at the same time, which allows the story of a patient to be heard by other people who are in a similar context or situation. The therapy can be carried out by a single therapist or by a cotherapy couple.

This type of therapy is indicated for people suffering from anxiety, phobia, relationship difficulties and/or mild depression. In addition, it is also used in cases of patients with organic conditions such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes, which can be integrated into heterogeneous groups or the same pathology.

It is common that in some cases patients are reluctant to be included in a group therapy. The main cause is the difficulty of sharing intimate issues with strangers.

Benefits of group therapy

  • The patient can see that what happens to him, also happens to other people. This helps not only in understanding, but also in the support offered by the psychotherapy group.
  • To discover that the image that a person gives is very different from what he/she thinks.
  • Group therapy offers the members a very important framework of support and accompaniment, as an added benefit to the understanding of personal problems.
  • People are part of groups in their daily life, such as family, friends, school and work, among others. That is why this type of psychotherapy allows to understand why some situations occur and the ways to solve them.