Exercises to Fight Breast Cancer

To cope with breast cancer treatment, there are many options: from physical exercise to diet and nutrition, relaxing activities and psychological support.

There is scientific evidence that one of these options provides great health benefits, mainly in cancer treatment: non-stressful physical exercise.

Physical exercise produces endorphins, chemical substances generated by our body that give a feeling of wellbeing, as well as producing a cascade effect on the immune system. This has a “de-stressing” effect on the brain and emotions of patients. Some examples of non-stressful physical exercise are yoga, pilates or tai chi, combined with moderate aerobic exercises such as cycling, swimming or walking… This keeps the organism active and increases the speed of cell regeneration, helping our body to recover from cancer treatments.

Since cancer affects the patient’s immune system, it is necessary to promote this system in order to avoid relapsing into the disease. For this purpose, moderate and frequent physical exercise is ideal.

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