Protocol for protection and sanitization by COVID-19

In view of the pandemic created by COVID-19, most medical centers are taking extreme precautions in order to protect their patients and healthcare personnel. In this sense, in Larios Rehabilitation Center we have devised protection and disinfection measures in all areas, because for us your health comes first.

Reception, waiting room and bathrooms

In these two areas we have developed the following preventive measures:

  • Disinfection and sanitization with ozone in shock therapy and maintenance, as well as a hydroalcoholic solution dispenser for the use of both staff and patients who need it.
  • Placement of an informative sign with the safety measures to be followed and proper hand washing.
  • Use of only one pen per worker, in addition to another pen for patients to sign essential documents. All of them are disinfected after use.
  • Use of the telephone and dataphone by a single worker, who is responsible for their disinfection.
  • Placement of separation signs between patients.
  • Limitation of the waiting room with cancellation of seats to maintain safety distances. Whenever it is not possible to maintain the safety distance, waiting will be outside the clinic.
  • Elimination of unnecessary decorative objects at the counter.
  • Use of soap and disposable paper.
  • Inclusion of a document certifying the hours of disinfection of the bathrooms.
  • Disinfection of the space with a hypochlorite solution (bleach diluted in water).

Treatment rooms

In classrooms where groups of people usually share space, the following precautions should be followed:

  • Prohibition of group sessions.
  • Placing the material at hand to avoid the greatest number of crossings between people in the room.
  • Avoid the use of drawers for daily use material.
  • Disinfection of stretchers and equipment after use with hypochlorite spray solution.
  • Control of the material that may have been in contact with the patient.

Personal protective equipment for personnel

Likewise, priority will be given to the use of Epi’s material for all personnel, such as:

  • Surgical mask to be worn at all times.
  • Disposable gloves after examination and treatment of each patient.
  • Hand washing after changing gloves (before and after).
  • Disposable gowns in patients at risk.
  • Glasses in patients at risk, which are washed after use.
  • Company uniforms, which will also be washed at the end of the working day.

Appointment management

As for the management of patient appointments, we will also opt for prevention through:

  • Telematic or telephone processing
  • Completion of a telematic questionnaire to find out the patient’s symptoms and characteristics, in order to help detect a possible case of COVID-19.

Cited patients

Likewise, the center’s staff will also follow these safety measures for patients who come to visit the center:

  • Avoid as much as possible that patients coincide in reception. If this is not possible, keep their distance by means of signs or ask them to wait outside the center.
  • Disinfect exposed areas after each patient.
  • Inform patients of the need to wear a mask, preferably a surgical mask. It should not be removed or touched at any time.
  • Measure body temperature without contact as a screening measure.
  • Inform them that they should not go for consultation if they present COVID-19 symptoms or if they have tested positive for PCR before 21 days, unless a PCR is subsequently performed and is negative.
  • Inform them that they should come unaccompanied, except in exceptional cases.
  • It will be indicated that they should wash their hands upon arrival at the clinic even if they are wearing gloves, discarding them and under the supervision of their therapist.
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In the consultation room

In the consultation room, the medical staff will also take a series of precautions:

  • Keep the mask on both patient and professional.
  • Avoid using towels.
  • Treat with gloves on.
  • Avoid oral and maxillary treatments.
  • Disinfect the stretcher before and after with hypochlorite solution.
  • Pay attention to stretcher holes, cover with disposable paper.

Finally, below we have compiled a small guide with the good practices that should be followed at the moment in the workplace in order to be able to attend patients in an environment that is also safe for healthcare personnel.

Guide to good practices in the workplace

  1. Periodic verification tasks should be carried out in the facilities and, at least, on a daily basis and for five minutes.
  2. It is advisable to reinforce the cleaning of air filters and increase the ventilation level of air conditioning systems to renew the air more regularly.
  3. It is convenient to reinforce the cleaning tasks in all the rooms, with special incidence in surfaces (knobs, windows), as well as all the devices of habitual use by the employees, from machinery controls to tables and computers.
  4. It is necessary to clean the work area used by an employee at each shift change.
  5. The usual detergents are sufficient, although the incorporation of bleach or other disinfectant products to the cleaning routines can also be considered, always under safe conditions.
  6. In any case, proper protection of the cleaning personnel must be ensured. All tasks must be carried out with a mask and single-use gloves.
  7. Once the cleaning is finished, and after removing gloves and mask, it is necessary that the cleaning personnel perform a complete hand hygiene, with soap and water, for at least 40-60 seconds.
  8. In the case of work uniforms or similar, they shall be bagged and closed, and shall be taken to the point where they are usually washed, recommending a full cycle wash at a temperature of between 60 and 90 degrees.