What are sunspots and how are they treated

As the summer months approach, the skin is increasingly exposed to sunlight. Skin blemishes due to prolonged and high exposure to ultraviolet light radiation are becoming more and more frequent and have an unsightly component. Is it possible to remove these blemishes completely? It is possible, but it is necessary to get the treatment right, as there are cases in which the pigmentation is too deep-rooted.

What treatments can eliminate sunspots?

There are two main treatments, the Ellipse System and the Maximum Illuminator Treatment with LED mask.

  • Ellipse System: this is one of the most effective state-of-the-art technologies against sun damage. The Ellippse I2PL system works against hyperpigmentation problems with its flash lamp, which emits a double filtered light. Sunspots contain melanin, a substance that heats up under the impact of light and disappears progressively, becoming less noticeable. As it does not cause any epidermal alteration, there is no risk to the skin. As a general rule, three sessions under the supervision of a specialist in Aesthetic Medicine.
  • Iluminator Maximo treatment with LED mask: combined with the Ellipse System, this is the method for dealing with unsightly sun spots. By placing the LED light on the spot to be treated, a stimulation of the tissue where the skin alteration is located is produced, resulting in a less conspicuous appearance. Thus, with a single session the results are noticeable, although at least six sessions are necessary.
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However, depending on the type of lesion or imperfection to be corrected, there are different varieties of LED light:

  • Red LED light: it is ideal whenever you are looking to achieve a rejuvenating effect, as it closes pores and eliminates expression wrinkles.
  • Orange LED light: reduces irritation and problems such as couperose, as it stimulates lymphatic circulation.
  • Green LED light: repairs pigmented skin and spots caused by ultraviolet radiation from sunlight and age.
  • Blue LED light: ideal to combat acne and to restore sensitivity.

Who can be treated for sun spots?

This type of treatment is more effective on fair skin than on dark skin. This is because the photorejuvenation process bases its action on melanin and hemoglobin, so it is not recommended for tanned skin.

What precautions should be taken before treating sunspots? Is it a painful process?

To treat sun spots it is not necessary to follow any specific plan before or after the treatment, since it would be enough with a sun protection cream of factor 30. However, it is advisable not to go with tanned skin, since the results may not be as expected.