How to identify back and spine pain

What causes back and spine pain?

Nowadays the most important factors of back and spine pain are mechanical factors. By this we mean sudden efforts, repetitive movements, as well as high jumps or high-speed impacts.

The factors are always multifactorial, sometimes the final minimal gesture is the “straw that breaks the camel’s back”, a gesture sometimes or an activity that, on its own, would never cause a pathology.

What are the symptoms of this pain?

The symptoms can be:

  • Stiffness
  • Blockage of the back
  • Sharp stabbing pain and sometimes even a feeling of lack of strength, which can be accompanied by pain radiating to the extremities.

What is the most appropriate treatment to follow?

The treatment will depend on the irritated structure that can be muscle, tendon, disc, joint.

Generally, the treatment could be a relative rest, avoiding activities that irritate, and help with physiotherapy.

In physiotherapy we will help with thermotherapy, physical means, therapeutic exercise and manual therapy without forgetting postural hygiene to improve the symptomatology.

What advice should the patient follow to prevent this type of pain?

Prevention will always be the best treatment: correct diet and not being overweight, a correct physical tone, with emphasis on abdominal and lumbar work, as well as stretching exercises to correct retractions or shortening of soft structures.

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Finally, a correct postural hygiene to practice in all our daily life activities.

What happens if left untreated?

If we do not treat these pathologies, the frequency of recurrence will increase and the problems will increase in pain intensity and frequency at the lumbar, cervical and dorsal levels, among others.