Cope with spring allergies

Rhinitis is one of the main allergic manifestations in spring. Due to the warm winter and high temperatures, the pollen-related allergy season has been brought forward. At this time of the year it is advisable to pay attention to pollens and, in case of allergy, to know exactly the type of pollen that generates the allergy in order to address it with appropriate treatment.

Rhinitis: symptoms and prevalence

Rhinitis is one of the main allergic symptoms in the spring months. It is defined as inflammation of the nasal mucosa characterized by one or more of the following symptoms: nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, sneezing or nasal itching. Sometimes these symptoms may be accompanied by shortness of breath, chest tightness or wheezing (“whistling”), which is referred to as bronchial asthma.

Approximately 50% of rhinitis are allergic and are mainly due to an immune response to allergens such as mites, pollens, animal epithelia or environmental fungi.

Allergic rhinitis is a disease that affects between 3 and 19% of the population, figures that have increased in recent years. Although it has a higher incidence in the spring season, rhinitis develops almost all year round. However, in the middle of spring and due to the unique characteristics of the warm winter, the allergy season caused by pollens has been brought forward, although they affect moderately.

Different types of pollen during the year

Pollens are microscopic granules that have a reproductive function in plants. The most allergenic are those that are airborne, the so-called anemophilous. In the Balearic Islands, for example, depending on the time of the year, a different type of pollen predominates, the most important being cypress (January – February), Parietaria known as “Morella roquera” (March – April – May), olive tree (March – April) and grasses (April – May).

Allergies caused by pollen are the most important pathologies affecting the respiratory system during spring. It is recommended to prevent these symptoms, which are often accompanied by shortness of breath and bronchial asthma. In addition to prevention, it is important that the patient undergoes symptomatic and specific treatment.

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Advice and treatment of allergies

In case of symptoms, pollen patients should prevent and avoid contact with pollen. For this, it is important to know the pollen to which one is allergic and its pollination season, to take into account that there is a lower concentration of pollen inside buildings and near the sea and, finally, to know that the worst days are windy, dry and sunny days.

It is also advisable to keep bedroom windows closed, to travel with the car windows closed, to avoid trips to the countryside during the worst season and to wear sunglasses.

Symptomatic treatment is based on the use of antihistamines, eye drops and corticosteroid nasal sprays. In case of asthma, rescue inhalers, corticosteroid inhalers, a combination of both or leukotriene receptor inhibitors can be used. However, it should be noted that these treatments do not cure the disease and merely alleviate it.

Intranasal phototherapy is a new technique for the treatment of allergic rhinitis. It consists of the intranasal administration of light by means of a device that reduces and improves the symptoms of allergic rhinitis.

Finally, it is worth mentioning the specific treatment, which are the so-called allergen vaccines. This treatment consists of the progressive and increasing administration of the pollens that cause the patient’s allergy. In fact, it is the only curative treatment for the disease.

It is recommended that, in case of presenting these symptoms, the patient should be seen by a specialist in Allergology who will guide him/her in the most appropriate treatment for each case.