What are inflammatory and autoimmune diseases

Inflammatory and systemic autoimmune diseases are diseases due to an alteration of the immune system that will involve involvement and symptoms in only one organ or in several organs of our body.

They are very numerous, very frequent diseases that require a multidisciplinary approach. They are very numerous because we know of more than one hundred of these diseases. Some are only in one tissue, one organ, such as the digestive system; here we have Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, for example. At the joint level: rheumatoid arthritis, ankylopoietic spondylitis. At the skin level: dermatomyositis, scleroderma, psoriasis and, at a more systemic level, diseases such as lupus.

Inflammatory and autoimmune diseases: affect 20% of the population.

They are also very frequent, so much so that 20% of the population suffers from them at the moment or will suffer from them at some point in their lives. 20% means one in five people. And finally, we are convinced that the optimal treatment, beyond having a good specialist in Digestive System, Rheumatology, Dermatology, Internal Medicine, etc., involves a multidisciplinary approach, which is what ISADMU, Teknon Medical Center offers.

We believe, because very often these patients have more than one symptom, more than one affectation, more than one disease, that coordination between the digestologist, the rheumatologist, the ophthalmologist, the gynecologist… is essential to reach a global approach with a good diagnostic plan and with an even better treatment proposal for each patient.