Everything you need to know about the COVID-19 test

After the World Health Organization (WHO) listed the coronavirus as a global pandemic, many have been tested for the virus. The Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, published just a week ago on Twitter that she had tested positive for the coronavirus, as did Ana Pastor and the actor Tom Hanks and his wife.

However, before undergoing the test, it is necessary that the subject experiences the first symptoms of the virus: fever, cough and respiratory difficulties.

What should I do if I have symptoms?

In the presence of symptoms, it is important not to go to the emergency room and to stay at home for at least 14 days. Call 112 or contact the telephone number provided by the Ministry of Health for each Autonomous Community.

The specialist will assess how and under what conditions the test will be performed for those who request it. For now, the recommendation to follow is to test those who have been in any of the areas affected by the outbreak or have had contact with a confirmed case.

At this point, a specific test will be performed to analyze the genetic material of the pathogen and determine the presence or absence of the virus.

What does the test consist of?

The Coronavirus detection test (COVID-19) requires two types of samples: pharyngeal and nasal.

Steps to follow:

  1. The specialist should disinfect his hands with alcohol and put on gloves.
  2. Take the collecting brushes.
  3. Insert one of the brushes into the nostril and rub the inside of the nostril in a circular motion.
  4. Do the same with the other nostril until reaching the inside.
  5. Insert the collecting brush with the nasal sample into the tube with the stabilizing liquid.
  6. Take the second collecting brush and insert it deep into the mouth until it reaches the pharynx. Rub gently at least 10 times.
  7. Insert the brush into the second tube with the stabilizing liquid.
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The test is performed by detecting viral RNA and is a molecular biology test called Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).

This has an excellent level of sensitivity and specificity, which means that despite the small presence of virus particles, the amount will be sufficient to obtain thousands of copies and detect its presence in the laboratory.


COVID-19 testing is currently performed by the Emergency Operations Center and a number of accredited laboratories. In the early stages of infection, the virus may not be detected, creating a false sense of security.

If the number of cases increases significantly, it is likely that only those who are at highest risk and may require hospital admission will be tested.