The new Healthy Food Pyramid increases the consumption of vegetables and fruits

The new Healthy Food Pyramid aims to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity and cancer. Thus, the main novelty introduced by this pyramid is the recommendation to reduce the consumption of cereals in order to increase the consumption of vegetables, legumes and fruits.

In the new pyramid, the essential foods, the quantity and frequency with which each food should be consumed are distributed. In the wider part are the healthy foods that should be consumed more frequently, while in the narrower part are the foods that should be consumed in moderation.

The new pyramid shows 4 food groups:

  • Fruits, vegetables and legumes
  • Cereals
  • Proteins
  • Healthy fats

The foods that make up these groups should be combined with each other, prioritizing those at the base and limiting the intake of saturated fats, sugar and salt.

The base of the new pyramid: fruits, vegetables and legumes

Fruits and vegetables form the base of the new pyramid because they reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. In addition, this group provides the vitamins, minerals and fiber necessary to reduce the risk of cancer and the intake of minerals such as potassium and magnesium reduce blood pressure. This group also includes legumes, which provide iron and essential fatty acids.

These foods, which should be consumed daily, can be introduced into the diet through salads or as garnishes to other dishes in the form of vegetables, cooked legumes and boiled potatoes, among other options.

Cereals constitute the second group

Cereals are included in two groups. On the one hand, as vegetables and, on the other hand, as proteins, because they are a source of non-animal proteins. In the past, cereals were the main source of food. However, the Nutrition Australia Foundation points out that the consumption of cereals should be moderated and it is recommended to eat whole grains, because they favor intestinal transit and reduce the risk of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

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Proteins: foods rich in a wide variety of minerals

Lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, seeds and nuts are foods that contain protein. It is advisable to include fish in the diet frequently, because it reduces the risk of dementia and vision loss. On the other hand, meat intake should be reduced, because excessive consumption is related to the risk of colorectal cancer.

Dairy products are also an important food because they contain proteins, vitamins and calcium, which are necessary for the body’s reserves. In addition, it is advisable to introduce nuts and seeds in salads.

Healthy fats at the top of the pyramid

Saturated fats, such as butter and sauces, should be replaced by the consumption of monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats, such as olive oil, because it is rich in heart-healthy fats.

Foods that should be consumed in moderation

There are a number of foods that are not essential, because they do not provide nutrients and have a high caloric content. These foods, which should only be consumed occasionally, include cookies, ice cream, fried foods, sugary drinks, cakes, sauces and butter and alcoholic beverages, among others. On the other hand, salt and sugar consumption should also be limited or replaced by natural seasonings such as aromatic herbs, spices, lemon juice or vinegars, among others.

A healthy diet combined with physical exercise

A healthy diet should always go hand in hand with daily physical exercise and proper hydration through frequent water intake, because the combination of these can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and weight gain. In addition, doing sport is also beneficial for mental and oral health.