What is the treatment of varicose veins with endolaser

The endolaser is one of the most effective procedures available today for the treatment of varicose veins. It is a minimally invasive technique and, therefore, very safe, which involves the administration of heat inside the diseased vein that causes varicose veins, to seal it and redirect the blood through other veins that do work well.

The procedure is simple and is performed through punctures at different levels of the leg, without the need to wear stitches or uncomfortable bandages for long periods, unlike conventional surgery. The procedure lasts about twenty minutes and is performed under local anesthesia and mild sedation. Thus, the patient is discharged after half an hour.

In which cases is it indicated?

Currently, all varicose veins can be treated with minimally invasive techniques, including endolaser. Even having undergone previous varicose vein operations, it is possible to treat the vast majority of varicose veins with this technique.

In these cases, the vascular surgeon’s experience with this technology, the use of state-of-the-art laser fibers and, above all, the performance of an exhaustive study with ultrasound prior to the intervention are very important.

How should the patient be prepared before the treatment?

Before the treatment, the patient should undergo a basic analysis and be evaluated by the anesthesiologist who will perform the sedation.

In general, it is not necessary to suspend the usual medication and six hours of fasting should be observed. Once the procedure has been performed, the patient should lead as normal a life as possible, walk daily for at least one hour and take anti-inflammatory drugs for three to five days. In addition, an elastic compression stocking must be worn for 15 days or until the hematomas disappear.

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What are the advantages of endolaser treatment of varicose veins?

The main advantage of endolaser treatment is that it is minimally invasive, which means that the patient can quickly return to their normal rhythm of life, without normally having to take time off work. As the procedure is not very aggressive, pain is infrequent and the postoperative period is very comfortable.

The appearance of hematomas is much less than with conventional surgery. All this translates into a very fast recovery. Another advantage is its high efficacy in sealing the vein to be treated, compared to other less invasive techniques, such as microfoam.

In addition, from the aesthetic point of view, the patient experiences a complete disappearance of the external varicose veins through micro incisions that do not require stitches.

Are there any risks?

Since it is an insufficient and malfunctioning vein, the patient does not assume risks derived from sealing it. In fact, by performing this procedure we manage to improve the hemodynamics of the operated leg and avoid the chronic changes that occur as a consequence of varicose veins, dark pigmentation of the leg, edema, ulcers or thrombophlebitis.

No serious complications are to be expected due to the minimally invasive nature of the procedure. However, small hematomas may appear at the puncture sites and slight discomfort during the first few days.