What you need to know about Rhinoplasty

The specialty of Facial Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery occupies a very important place within the surgical practice of medical excellence internationally, hence the need to entrust your face only to those specialists who have been educated and received specialized training in the face.

The Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon specializing in Facial Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery has dedicated a minimum of 7 years to the study of the face alone. Therefore, he/she must have the ability to perform bone modeling, changes in the shape of the supporting structures, restore and beautify the hard tissues of the facial bone skeleton.

Our formula for naturalness is very simple: restore and beautify the support of the skin and muscles… the facial skeleton.

The Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon specialized in Facial Aesthetics is surely the best trained Specialist Physician in the area.

Our Facial Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Unit offers you the possibility of a new and improved approach to facial surgery.

Who can benefit from Rhinoplasty?

All patients with nasofacial disproportion, that is, the nose may look small or large on the face, nasal hump or prominent dorsum, drooping or poorly defined tip, broad nose, asymmetric, also those patients who have suffered a trauma or a previous nose surgery (Secondary Rhinoplasty).

Frequently the anatomical problems are associated with functional problems, which can manifest as breathing difficulties or as inflammatory problems (allergies).

Rhinoplasty Applications

Rhinoplasty is achieved with the beautification of the nose, both front and profile achieving harmony and improving facial balance; the shape and size of the nose can be modified dramatically, the tip of the nose elevated and refined, the width of the base decreased, the nasolabial angle corrected. Birth defects or those caused by trauma or previous surgery (dorsal nasal reconstruction) can also be corrected.

Comments about Rhinoplasty

Nose surgery is the surgical procedure of the face that is most performed worldwide, with different techniques, from a basic rhinoplasty to rhinoseptoplasty, a technique used in patients with functional problems.

The nose is a very complex structure, and rhinoplasty is perhaps one of the most difficult surgical techniques to perform because it requires, in addition to excellent surgical preparation by the surgeon, an artistic touch that will be decisive in assessing the results.

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It is very important to understand that many times nasal disharmonies are accompanied by other disharmonies (associated negative characteristics), being the nose the Dominant Negative Characteristic, so you may be recommended other types of procedures that will improve the balance of your face, obtaining magnificent and natural results.

As any surgery, rhinoplasty has its limitations and you should understand that in order to achieve your requirements, second interventions (retouching) may be required, many of them non-surgical. The chin and cheekbones should be analyzed together with the nose, and you should also understand that with age the bone and soft tissues are modified and change position, so the techniques should provide long-term stability, remember that your face is forever. The joint surgery of the nose and chin, structures that make up the profile of the face, provides excellent results.

The Benarroch Clinical Unit offers you the latest advances in the control of pre and post-surgical anxiety, the use of new analgesics for the management and control of intra and post-surgical pain. Also, and to make your decision to undergo surgery more comfortable, we offer the technique of conscious oral sedation, 100% safe and 100% effective, proposed and presented internationally by me.

One of the major advances in Facial Medicine and Surgery has been the incorporation of techniques for anxiety control, pain control and oral sedation.

Ideal patient for surgical procedures

  • Good health conditions
  • Emotional and psychological stability
  • Non-smoker
  • Well-informed about the risks and benefits of surgery
  • Have realistic expectations

The above is only a partial list of the criteria we will consider when recommending this procedure.

Rhinoplasty Risks and Limitations

Facelift is a surgical procedure, subject to all the possible complications associated with surgery (bleeding, infection, edema, sensory and motor disturbances, bruising, etc.). The only way to minimize and avoid these complications is to follow the pre and post surgical recommendations that we will indicate.