Overcoming Coronavirus Fear

This global crisis over COVID-19 involves a breakdown of structures, of what we thought worked. In this case, security or health structures are being broken, as well as the economic, political and social structure.

When something changes or breaks without warning, it creates a sense of loss of control that can be overwhelming. This feeling is influencing fear, because fear appears when security structures are broken and, in this case, we are talking about life. This generates fear and panic in many people, although not in all. Everything also depends on the person’s ability to manage his or her emotional state.

What factors contribute to spreading this fear?

One of the factors is uncertainty. Not knowing what is going to happen is cultivating fear in many people, because they do not know how they will have to react or what skills they will have to develop.

On the other hand, listening to or watching news all day long also influences to generate that fear, because our mind is very susceptible to information, to being programmed. Thus, the more we listen, the more we feel anxious, because we connect with everything that is happening and external circumstances influence our emotional center.

Other factors that can influence is the profile of the person. If the person already tended to worry or be anxious before, he/she will surely experience it with greater intensity. The individual factors of each person, such as losing a job, are part of the loss of security factors.

The competence or incompetence of organizations in managing the whole virus situation will play a role in helping to minimize that fear or expanding it if the person feels that he/she is not being protected or given the security he/she requires.

Are there people who are more affected by fear?

Some people are more affected because of their previous thought patterns. When there is fear of the future, of uncertainty, of lack of control and distrust in people or in life, all this is exacerbated in these moments, generating anguish and fear.

People suffering from the virus will also be more affected by fear. People who are more exposed, too. It is more difficult for someone who does not leave the house to be afraid than someone who is watching people die on a daily basis. When all this happens, many healthcare workers are going to need psychological help. They are in survival mode now, contributing and managing, but when this happens, their autonomic nervous system will react with over stress.

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How to overcome the fear caused by coronavirus

The only way to overcome fear is to focus on the opposite emotion. Meditation is an indispensable resource when there are so many external stimuli that collapse us. Then closing your eyes, and forgetting about these senses and connecting with a deeper part of you, allows you to connect with the emotion you want and desire. That will be easier if you are already used to meditate, but if not, it is a good time to start.

Other ways is to look for and create an optimal state in your body, raising the vibratory frequency through the energetic or frequency part (meditation) from the emotional part and from the mental part.

The emotional part would be to put on music to dance and jump at home, because physically it has an incredible effect on the body, generating endorphins and dopamine. It is important to include the physical part, because doing sports, even at home, also contributes to a greater well-being, because the energy in your body moves. Emotions are energy, so if you make your body move, you prevent those emotions from remaining stagnant.

The mental part would be telling you words or phrases that help. Your mind simply responds to the instructions you give it. So if you want to feel good, you have to start telling yourself things that make you feel good. This is really up to you.

What risks are there for people who fail to overcome this fear?

The main risk is that fear lowers the immune system. On the other hand, living in fear and in a state of constant survival is a risk to increase fear, imbalance, the cultivation of diseases or various symptoms. In addition, it also increases the tension in living together (when there is any), the feeling of helplessness and loneliness if one lives alone, as well as the inability to resolve one’s own emotional state.

It will also depend on the experiences. If there are people who have died around, it is a fear mixed with grief and mourning without being able to do so. The greatest risk is that these states stagnate, and do not allow the person to evolve past this period of confinement.

Therefore, the present moment is the most important time for one to take care of one’s physical and emotional health. And perhaps attending a psychologist now, in 4-6 sessions, may prevent them from becoming 15 or 20 later. Through Top Doctors’ Telemedicine service you will be able to make your consultations without leaving your home.