Summer is here: recommendations to enjoy the vacations

Vacations are usually the right time to relax and recharge our batteries, whether we have a few days or a month. However, achieving these benefits depends largely on ourselves and our attitude.

The impact of vacations on mental health

Science has reached very positive conclusions regarding the importance of days off for our well-being, both physically and mentally. In fact, there is scientific evidence that after a prolonged time without a break we are more vulnerable to various diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases.

One of the studies that exist in this regard is that of Jessica de Bloom, from the University of Tamper in Finland. This study showed that from the second day of rest, health improves and energy levels increase.
On the other hand, the peak of well-being is reached on the eighth day of vacation. For this reason, according to this research work, it is more productive to opt for several vacation periods throughout the year with a shorter duration.

Recommendations for organizing vacations

There is some scientific research that demonstrates the advantages of staying active during vacation periods, especially if it involves social contact with other people. In addition, international travel is said to be beneficial for increasing cognitive flexibility, a key component of creativity.
There are some basic recommendations when making decisions about what type of vacation to take:

  1. If we have a partner, set aside time to spend with that person.

Many people tend to neglect this aspect. It is important to keep in mind that, if during the rest of the year we do not have a close relationship, we will notice it during the vacations, since the amount of time together evidences the misunderstanding. In fact, there are many cases of divorces that occur after long periods of vacation.

In these cases the recommendation is to use each vacation period to pay attention to the psychological well-being of the other person and enjoy the time together. This does not necessarily require spending 100% of the time together or spending a lot of money to go far away, as sometimes it is not possible, it simply consists of maintaining or recovering the complicity that existed some time ago.

  1. Spending more time with our children

In this aspect it is fundamental that we dedicate “real” time to our children. Nowadays we live in a society where parents are hardly at home, so the work break can be a good opportunity to talk more with children and share quality moments. In other words, summer is a good opportunity to strengthen ties and relationships.

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  1. Turn off the phone or leave it where it won’t constantly interrupt.

To make the most of the vacation break it is important to “be where we are”. That is to say, if we are having dinner, taking a walk or sharing a moment with someone, it is not a good idea to be on the phone.

This same recommendation can be applied to other types of technological devices, such as our children’s computers or tablets.

  1. Plan everything or improvise?

It is important to be able to adapt to situations and not to have everything planned in advance. In other words, it is often necessary to understand that it is good to have goals, but we must be able to enjoy the little things and to change plans as we go along, that is, to maintain a dose of flexibility.

In addition, it is essential to leave time to do nothing or to be alone with ourselves.

  1. Household chores

Although when we are on vacation we want to rest from the routine and the activities we do every day, things do not tidy up or clean up by themselves, so, in order for everyone to enjoy the vacations, it is necessary that there is a division of household chores.
To make a division without conflicts we can make a list of everything that must be done at home and distribute the tasks among the cohabitants.

As for the work or the study, in many cases it is not possible to abandon them completely. In these situations, one of the tips that is often given is to concentrate that activity in the morning so that you can enjoy the rest of the day off.

  1. Start the day with a positive attitude

Attitude is everything in life and on vacation as well, so we can choose how we will face whatever happens to us and try not to sour the day.

  1. Review the day mentally in the evening.

The last recommendation is to try not to go to sleep angry or upset with anyone. Most of the time the important thing about a vacation is not the specific activities we do, but the company we do them with and the people we love.